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Graham 61's Shop

Qualified Private Tutor for over 25 years. Subjects covered Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry. Mathematics covered from Primary to A-Level. Physics GCSE and A-level, Chemistry GSCE level. As a tutor I am familiar with a wide range of specifications from all the main exam boards. I have over 20 years of GCSE examination experience, marking mainly physics papers. Most of my resources are for the new primary mathematics curriculum.

Qualified Private Tutor for over 25 years. Subjects covered Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry. Mathematics covered from Primary to A-Level. Physics GCSE and A-level, Chemistry GSCE level. As a tutor I am familiar with a wide range of specifications from all the main exam boards. I have over 20 years of GCSE examination experience, marking mainly physics papers. Most of my resources are for the new primary mathematics curriculum.
Introducing Algebra
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Introducing Algebra

This resource will help to introduce algebra, at either primary or secondary level. It will help remove the fear that many students experience when algebra is first introduced to them. My set of five homework algebra exercises can be used with this resource.
Word Problem Exercises using Mathematics
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Word Problem Exercises using Mathematics

A set of two word problem exercises using mathematics, including answers. Suitable for students preparing for the Eleven Plus Tests. Can also be used for revision when preparing your students for the Key Stage Two tests.
SATS Key Stage Two Arithmetic Revision Exercise's
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SATS Key Stage Two Arithmetic Revision Exercise's

Two very useful SATs revision exercise’s, covering all the arithmetic operations required on the current SATs Arithmetic Paper. There are sixty questions on each exercise, answer sheets are also included. These two resources can be used either for homework or in class for final preparation for the Key Stage Two Arithmetic paper.
Introducing Pythagoras's Theorem
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Introducing Pythagoras's Theorem

This introduction of Pythagoras’s Theorem includes two proofs. The first proof is suitable for lower ability students, the second for higher ability students. I have also included an investigation that give you an oppertunity to show your students how this important theorem can be applied within the school. The investigation canb be made in to a practicle one if you wish. I have also included a small exercise with answers, that will allow the reinforcement of your initial introduction of this theorem. The second proof requires a good level of algebra for a full understanding. I recommend you use this proof after covering expanding brackets and factorising in algebra. I also like to mention to my students although this theorem is now known as Pythagoras’s Theorem who lived about 500 BC, he was not the first to have discovered it. It was known by the Babylonians and the Eygptians.
Number an Introduction (Negative & Positive)
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Number an Introduction (Negative & Positive)

This resource is suitable for year five students when introducing them to positive and negative numbers. It does require your students having been introduced to factors, prime numbers and square numbers. You may wish to recap these numbers before introducing them to positive and negative numbers. I have included some examples that can be used with the class, I recommend that you use more examples of your own. The three exercises included can be either used in class or set for homework. They will help reinforce basic number for your year five students.
Ratio Exercises for Primary Mathematics
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Ratio Exercises for Primary Mathematics

A set of five ratio exercises suitable for students preparing for the 11+. These exercises are also an excellent resourse for students preparing for the Key Stage Two tests. They can be used in the classroom or given for homework.
Mole Calculations
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Mole Calculations

This resourse is aimed for GCSE chemistry students. It can be used when students have first been introduced to the mole. The calculations allow students to become familier with find the mass of one mole of a substance and also the number of moles in a substance. Students will need a copy of the periodic table when working through this exercise. I have include an answer sheet.
Percentage Exercises Key Stage Two
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Percentage Exercises Key Stage Two

A set of five percentage exercises with answers, suitable for students preparing fot the Eleven Plus or Key Stage Two Tests. Students will need to have a good understanding percentages and fractions before being asked to complete these exercises. They can be used in either the classroom or given for homework.
Rules of Fractions
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Rules of Fractions

A good revision resource covering the four rules of fractions, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Included is converting decimals to fractions, also covered are recurring decimals. Examples are also included. This resource is suitable for both home learning and in the classroom. It is recommended to be given after students have been introduced to the four rules of fraction.
Roman Numerals
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Roman Numerals

This resource contains an introduction to the Roman Numeral System. The rules how to use this system are shown, with examples that you can use to explain this system to your class. A table showing numbers 1 to 100 is included, and another table showing numbers 100 to 2000 is given. Included are two exercises with answers that can be used either in class or for homework. This resource is suitable for year six students preparing for their Key Stage Two tests. This resource is suitable for year six students preparing for their Key Stage Two tests.
Motion, Speed, Velocity & Acceleration
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Motion, Speed, Velocity & Acceleration

This resource will help introduce students to the concept of motion. It clearly shows the difference between speed, velocity and acceleration. The worked examples will help students understand how to calculate these various quantities. It is recommended that after introducing the basic properties of motion to students are then given the exercise, Velocity & Acceleration Exercise One to complete. This exercise can be used either in class or as homework. These sheets are also suitable for home learning.
GCSE Algebra Homework Exercises
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GCSE Algebra Homework Exercises

This set of five algebra homework exercises are suitable for students at level five and above. They can also be adapted and used in lessons when appropriate. The range of algebra they cover is equation, inequalities, surds and rules of indices. Answers are included for each exercise.
Key Stage Two Maths, SAT's Sample Papers 1, 2 & 3
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Key Stage Two Maths, SAT's Sample Papers 1, 2 & 3

This is a set of three quality sample practice mathematics SAT’s papers with mark schemes, they are intended to give further practice for year six pupils preparing to sit their Key Stage Two Tests. The sample papers mirror the actual papers candidates will sit in May. They cover the main requirements of the curriculum. They will be helpful in giving your pupils further practice under test conditions before they sit the final Key Stage Two math’s papers. With only a limited number of actual past papers available they are particlarly relavent in giving further practice to your year six pupils.